For multi-event subscription plans, it is common to reclaim an assigned event license you have assigned to an event when you run many frequent one-off events (events that only happen once). When these events are over, you may wish to completely delete the event so that you can create a new one using the freed-up event license.
Reclaiming a license will allow you to reuse the license to create a completely new event, or perhaps create a new event by copying from an existing event.
If you've finished organizing a "one-off" event that used up one of your available event licenses, you'll want to return the license to the pool so it can be used again to create a new event.ย
Before you proceed: Before you request to reclaim an event license, ensure you have exported any important details from the event that you wish to keep. Once an event license has been reclaimed, the event and all past archived events will be deleted and will no longer be accessible.
Learn more about exporting data here.
What happens when a license is reclaimed
When you issue a request to reclaim an event license the following will happen:
ClearEvent support will delete the event and all archived past events.
The event license will be made available so that is can be used to create a new event.
TIP: If you do not wish to delete the event, consider using the Rollover feature to instead rollover and repurpose the existing event. By using the Rollover feature, all past archived event details will be retained.
How to reclaim the license
Go to the drop-down Menu in the Event Manager App header (top-right) > Manage Organizations > Edit (Organization) > Licenses tab and copy the License Id of the license you wish to reclaim.
Use the in-app Chat button or email and indicate that you wish to reclaim an event license. Be sure to provide the License Id you copied above.
ClearEvent Support will reclaim the license and will follow up with you to let you know when the license is available to be used again.
How to use a reclaimed license
Once you receive confirmation from ClearEvent that your event license has been reclaimed, you'll then be able to go to the drop-down Menu in the Event Manager App header > Manage Organizations > Edit (Organization) > Licenses tab and create a new event using the available license.
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