Managing Recurring Events

Learn about the life cycle of organizing an event on the ClearEvent platform.

Updated over a week ago

This article outlines the "life cycle" of an event in ClearEvent.

Depending on your event, it may happen regularly (every week, every month or every year). It may also be a one-off event (say "Acme Co's 10th Anniversary Celebration"). In scenarios where you're dealing with a recurring event, ClearEvent has some nifty features that can help improve your event team's productivity. 

When a new event is created, your event team will initially set up the details of your event. They'll enter event details, and then plan & run their event by adding jobs & tasks, to-dos, schedules, messages, forms, budgets, and so on.  

When an event team is active and planning their event, they are considered to only be managing the current instance of their event (e.g. "this year's event"). We refer to an event that's currently active or "in planning" as the current event instance. In ClearEvent, only the one current event instance can be managed at a time. 

For example: Clara is organizing an event called "Clara's Car Show" and she wants to plan both the 2024 and 2025 events at the same time. In this rare scenario, Clara would need to create two separate events and possibly purchase a new event plan (if the current event plan limits were not enough). Clara can't use a single event plan (license) to run two events at the same time.

When the planning of the current event instance is done. ClearEvent has a special feature called Rollover Event which allows an event administrator to effortlessly close and archive the current event instance and then create a new current event instance that ready's to run all over again. All of the data that has been setup is effortlessly copied from your closed event instance into your new current event instance. All of your dates are automatically adjusted based-on your new event date.

If you need to run multiple different events at the same time, you'll need to create a new event and set it up again. You may need to purchase a new event plan (license) if your event exceeds the subscription plan limits. With ClearEvent, you can run multiple events at once and can also mix-and-match subscription event plans.


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