ClearEvent's Event Manager App offers a streamlined approach to managing your event's invitations by allowing you to easily copy an invite. This feature is especially useful when you need to resend an invite or when you're sending similar invites to different groups of attendees.
By copying an invite, you can save time and ensure consistency in the information distributed to your participants.
How to copy an Invite
Go to the Event Manager App > Invites section > Invites tab.
Select the invite you wish to copy from the list of invites.
Click the Copy button.
From the Copy Invite dialog window, you may optionally choose which invitees should be excluded from the new copy of the invite. You can quickly exclude invitees that have already accepted or declined the invite, or who's invite email bounced or was rejected.
Your new invite will be created. Next, select the new invite and edit it to customize any details.
TIP: If resending an email invite to the same group of invitees, we recommend changing the Subject and Message of the invite to help improve conversion rates.
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