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Registration: Transfer a registrant
Registration: Transfer a registrant

Learn how to transfer a registrant between two attendees, or between registration forms in the same or different event.

Updated over 6 months ago

ClearEvent's registration transfer feature allows event managers to transfer a registrant either between attendees, or between two events/registration forms.

1. Transferring between attendees:

This feature is useful when you need to transfer a registration between two different attendees. For example, if an employee of a company that registered to participate in your event can no longer attend, you can transfer to another employee at their company.

When should I consider transferring a registration between attendees?

  • When an attendee can no longer attend, but they wish to send someone else in their place.

  • When, for paid registrations, you do not wish to refund the original attendee and charge the new attendee. Transferring a paid registration between attendees does not affect the payment details associated with the original registration. Refunds issued for online payments will always be returned to the original credit card on file.

When should I NOT transfer a registration between attendees?

  • When you wish to change payment details. As payment details are not updated when transferring between attendees, you should instead decline or cancel the original registration and issue an optional refund. Then ask the new attendee to register and pay with their own credit card.

How to transfer a registration between two attendees:

Transfer a registration between attendees
  1. Log In, then go to the Event Manager App > Registration section > Registrants tab.

  2. Find Registration: Go to the event and locate the registration you want to transfer.

  3. Transfer Option: Click on the Transfer to another attendee option to transfer the registration.

  4. Enter New Details: Fill in the details for the new attendee (First Name, Last Name, and Email).

  5. Confirm: Review and confirm the transfer details. When ready, click OK.

That's it! The registration will now be updated with the new attendee's information. Both the original and new attendees will receive a transfer confirmation email. If the new attendee does not have a ClearEvent account, one will be automatically created for them. The new attendee will receive a email confirmation of their registration with the event.

2. Transferring between registration forms:

This feature is useful when you need to transfer a registrant between two events in the same organization, between an archived event and a current event, or even between two registration forms and/or fees within the same event and organization.

When should I consider transferring a registration between registration forms?

The ability to transfer a Pending or Approved registrant is useful for the following scenarios:

  • You need to cancel an event and you wish to move a registrant to a future event.

  • A registrant requests a transfer to another event, or perhaps a different registration type (e.g. "Workshop Day 1" to "Workshop Day 2").

  • You need to transfer a registrant from a past archived event to your next event.

  • The registrant you wish to transfer closely matches the destination registrant type (e.g. price, registration form fields, products purchased, etc.).

When should I NOT consider transferring a registration between registration forms?

Transferring a registration can be complex, especially if payment is involved. ClearEvent's Transfer feature has been designed to simplify this process and handle common registration transfers between events or registration forms that are similar. As a result, there are certain situations where you will not be permitted to transfer a registrant between events, or between registration forms within the same event if the transfer scenario is too complex.

If any of the following scenarios exist, you should consider canceling and/or refunding the registration and asking the registrant to sign up again using the desired registration form:

  • If a registration fee or event currency does not match the transfer destination. You cannot transfer a registration unless a transfer destination registration form has a fee with the same price & currency is found.

  • A Product was purchased by the registrant, but a matching Product does not exist in the transfer destination that is linked to the destination registration form.

  • A Promo Code was used by the registrant that does not exist in the destination event.

Please read on to learn more about various registration transfer rules.

How to Transfer a Registrant between registration forms:

Transfer an attendee between events or registration forms
  1. Log In, then go to the Event Manager App > Registration section > Registrants tab.

  2. Find Registration: Go to the event and locate the registration you want to transfer.

  3. Transfer Option: Click on the Transfer to a different registrant type or event option to transfer the registration.

  4. Enter New Destination Details: Choose the destination event, and the destination form. You may optionally need to choose a Destination fee.

    1. If there are no valid transfer destinations, you will see an error stating the registrant cannot be transferred. See the Transfer Requirements section below for more details.

    2. If a valid transfer destination exists, select the desired transfer Destination Event, Destination Form, and, if prompted, the Destination Fee. If you run multiple events, you may transfer a registrant between events provided a valid transfer destination exists. See the Transfer Requirements section below for more details.

  5. Send Confirmation Email: If you wish to send an updated registration confirmation to the registrant when the transfer completes, check the Confirmation Email checkbox. If you wish to perform a silent transfer, where the registrant does not receive any confirmation email after the transfer, uncheck the Confirmation Email checkbox.

  6. Confirm: Review and confirm the transfer details. When ready, click OK.

Transfer Requirements when transferring a registrant between forms and fees

Transferring a registration between events has some limitations that are important to understand. The following list outlines the requirements for successfully transferring a registration between registration forms in the same or different events. If any of the following requirements are not met, a transfer destination will either not appear in the list of valid transfer destinations, or the transfer will fail:

  1. Fee Price: For a paid registration, a matching registration fee price must exist on the transfer destination registration form. If Early or Late fees are enabled for a fee, a matching Early or Late fee with a matching price must also exist in the transfer destination registration form.

  2. Event Currency: For a paid registration, the event currency of the registration must match the event currency of the destination event.

  3. Stripe: For a paid registration, the Stripe account used to process the initial paid registration must match the Stripe account of the transfer destination event. Free registrations with no online fees can be transferred to an event with or without a matching Stripe account connected.

  4. Promo Codes: For paid registrations, if a Promo Code was applied to the registration, a matching Promo Code must exist in the transfer destination event and be valid for use at the time of the transfer. A Promo Code is considered to be a match when the Discount Code, Discount Value, and Products settings match. If the destination Promo Code is not found or is configured in any way that results in a different total amount being calculated in the transfer destination event, the transfer will fail.

  5. Products: For paid registrations, if one or more Products were purchased at the time of registration, a matching Product must exist in the transfer destination and must be linked to the transfer destination registration form. If the Product had Product Variants defined, a matching Product Variant must also exist. A product is considered to be a match when the Product Name, Product Variant Name (if variants are enabled), and Price match.

  6. Form Fields: If a registration Form Field does not exist in the destination event, a new hidden Form Field will be created automatically when the transfer completes. This can modify your destination registration form and also prevents any registration answers from being lost if the destination registration form is missing any Form Fields that exist in the original registration. A destination registration form field is considered a match when the form field Short Field Name (Id) setting and the field type (e.g. Textbox, Checkbox, List, etc...) match.

  7. Form Field Type: If a registration form field type does not match a destination registration form field type for the transfer destination field, the transfer will fail. For example, if a Textbox form field called "Waiver" exists on the registration being transferred, and a Checkbox field called "Waiver" exists on the transfer destination form, the transfer will fail.

  8. List Form Fields: If a List field type exists on the registration form, all form field Options must be defined for the corresponding List form field type in the transfer destination. A form field Option will be considered to match if the Option values match. For example, if a List form field called "Dietary Restrictions" with two options ("Meat", & "Veggie") was being transferred, the destination event must have a List form field called "Dietary Restrictions" with at least a "Meat" and "Veggie" Option added.

  9. Checkbox Form Fields: If a Checkbox field type exists on the registration form, the Checked Value setting must match exactly in the transfer destination. A form field Option will be considered to match if the Option values match. For example, if a Checkbox form field called "Experience" with a Checked Value of "Yes" was being transferred, the destination event must have a Checkbox form field called "Experience" with a Checked Value set to "Yes". If the destination Checked Value doesn't match, the transfer will fail.

  10. Availability Periods: If Availability Periods have been enabled for the registration form, transferring a registration will create new hidden Availability Periods on the destination registration form unless a destination Availability Period already exists. Creating new hidden Availability Periods prevents data loss. A destination Availability Period is considered to be a match when the Description, Period Start, and Period End settings match. Given that availability periods are date-dependent, it's most likely a new hidden availability period will be created when transferring a registrant.

  11. Form Validation: When transferring a registration, form validation rules on the transfer destination form are not enforced. This means if a field is required on the transfer destination registration form, but was not required and was not answered on the registration being transferred, that field will not be validated when the transfer is performed and will be left empty. If the missing value is important, the Event Manager will need to edit the registration form and manually fill in any required fields.

Tips for ensuring a successful transfer:

Successfully transferring a registration between events, or between registration forms within the same event, requires that the source and destination registration forms remain as identical as possible.

Over time, registration forms can diverge as differing demands are placed on each unique event. Keeping registration forms in sync, while supporting unique needs is possible by following these tips:

  1. If you plan to transfer registrants between events, or between forms within the same event, be sure to use the Copy From feature when setting up your registration forms. This will ensure your forms start out being identically configured.

  2. If you expect to run multiple events (and have purchased a bulk license plan from ClearEvent), create your first event and set up all necessary registration forms and event details. Then use the Copy From feature of the Create Event Wizard to create your new event. This will save you time by allowing you to use the newly configured event as a template to create subsequent events.

  3. If you expect variations in fee pricing between events due to local or state tax rates, consider adjusting all your fees to account for the highest tax rate, then make all fee prices the same. Because the transfer feature requires that the source fee and destination fees be the same price, this will ensure a transfer is possible between events.

  4. If a transfer destination is missing a matching fee, you can add hidden, or Special Access Fees to enable the transfer. Registrants signing up for the transfer destination form will never see these hidden or Special Access Fees, but the transfer will then be allowed and can be mapped to one of these fees.

  5. If a Promo Code was used to register for an event, that Promo Code must exist in the transfer destination event. If it does not exist, the registration transfer will fail. You can enable a registration to be transferred by adding the missing Promo Code to the transfer destination and then configuring it identically to match the source Promo Code. However, you may also wish to consider what will happen to the original Promo Code in the source event as it will not be transferred and will become available again in the source event since it is no longer tied to any registration after the transfer. In this case, you may wish to delete the source Promo Code, or reduce the redemption count, if you do not want it to be used again in the source event.

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