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Jobs & Tasks: Job Details

Defining your Jobs and breaking down the Details

Updated over a week ago

The Job Details page allows you to edit specific details of a Job definition. Jobs help assign work to certain registrant types that you have set up in the ClearEvent platform (for example "Volunteers").

Configuration of an example Job

Configuring a Job

When you create a new Job, you are prompted to select the following:

  • Registrant Type: Once this is set for a particular job, it can not be changed. A job may only contain a single type of registrant.

  • Job Name: The name of the job that you wish to create.

  • Job Starts/Ends: Every job must have a start and end date so that the system can communicate these details to the assigned resources.    

  • Target/Capacity: The Target setting specifies the minimum number of registrants that you need to get the job done. The Capacity setting specifies the maximum number of participants that you can assign. Capacity must not exceed the Target.

  • Assignments: A job can have one or more registrants assigned. To assign registrants to a job, click the Assignments tab.

  • Tasks: Click on the Tasks tab to add specific tasks to the Job.

Tips for assigning Start/End times for Jobs

It's a good idea to consider how you would like to manage/assign participants to your jobs, when creating the their respective time-lines. For example, let's assume your event is over three days and one of things you need to do do, is Entry Gate Security.

A simple approach would be to create a single Job, called Gate Security and the time-line would match the Start and End date/times for your complete event, spanning all three days.   However, when you are assigning resources to this job, it maybe unrealistic to assume every participant would be working the whole three days at this same activity.

Alternatively, you could create three distinct jobs, representing each shift.  Let's call them Gate Security - Friday, Gate Security - Saturday, and Gate Security - Sunday and then define the respective time-lines for each individual shift.   Now, when you assign resources you are assigning them to each shift.  It will be easier to identify any deficiencies and act accordingly.   Of course, it is possible to assign an individual participant to multiple jobs, so if you did have a participant that was working all three days, then you simply assign them to each jobs/shift.

Furthermore, when you are creating your registration forms, define your availability periods to coincide with the time line you set for your jobs/shifts.   This will make it very easy to manage your resources and find the most appropriate participants for each job.

Happy planning!

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