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Promo Codes: Add and edit a Promo Code
Promo Codes: Add and edit a Promo Code

Learn how to add and edit promo codes.

Updated over 10 months ago

How Do I Add A Promo Code

Promo Codes can be created and applied to any paid ticket or paid registration form you have set up in ClearEvent. 

  1. In the Event Manager App > Promo Codes section. 

  2. Click the +Add button in the toolbar, or the +Add a Promo Code button (if no promo codes exist).

Add a Promo Code

How Do I Edit An Existing Promo Code

  1. Go to the Event Manager App > Promo Codes section > Promo Codes tab.

  2. Select an existing promo code from the list. 

  3. Click the Edit button to open the editor.

Promo Code Settings

Promo Codes are very flexible and can be configured to meet a wide range of needs. 

  • Enabled: Set this field to Yes to activate the Promo Code and allow it to be redeemed.

  • Promo Code: This is the actual Promo Code that the buyer must enter at the time of checkout. You can provide a custom Promo Code value (e.g. "AVOCADOLOVE", "VIP25", "FRIEND", etc.). The following characters are accepted: "A-Z", "a-z", and dash ("-"). We suggest using at least 6 characters for your Promo Codes and values that are not easily guessable. Alternately, you can select the Use auto-generated Promo Code checkbox and the system will generate a random code for you. Once you have published a Promo Code, the Promo Code setting field will be locked. If you need to change the Promo Code, instead delete the existing Promo Code and then create a new Promo Code.

  • Discount Value: You can set the discount value of your Promo Code. Choose the Percent (default) option to offer a percentage-based discount. Choose the Amount option to offer a fixed dollar amount discount (in the event currency).

    For tickets: the discount value you enter here will be applied to each applicable ticket in a ticket order.

    For registration forms: the discount value will be applied either to the registration fee only, or the registration fee AND products together. This behavior depends if the Promo Code is allowed to apply to Product purchases.

    NOTE: If the promo code reduces the costs to 0 (zero) then no credit card is required to checkout.  

  • Category: Provide an optional category to help you sort and organize your Promo Codes. Category is an internal field and is only visible to event managers. It can be used to track which channel, or sales person the code is attributable to.

  • Redemptions: This setting control how many times a Promo Code can be redeemed.

    Choose the Single Use (the default) option when the Promo Code should only be applied once. Single Use Promo Codes will only be applied to a single ticket within a ticket order and can never be applied more than once. For tickets, the Promo Code will be applied in the order the tickets are listed in the Ticket Order until the number of redemptions is reached.

    Choose the Multiple Use option when you want to allow the Promo Code to be applied more than once. When the Multiple Use option is selected, you can enter the maximum number of redemptions you want to allow into the Max Redemptions field. To allow unlimited redemptions, leave the Max Redemptions field blank (empty). For example, let's say you want to limit a Promo Code to be redeemed for a maximum of two (2) ticket purchases. In this case, set Max Redemptions to "2".

  • Valid From / Valid To: These settings limit the date range within which the Promo Code can be redeemed. Leave both fields blank if you do not wish to impose any date/time restrictions on Promo Code redemption.

  • Products: This setting applies only if the Promo Code is used for a registration form. When checked, the Promo Code discount will be applied to both the registration total (which can include the registration fee AND any products purchased products). If not checked, the Promo Code can only be applied to the registration fee portion of the registration total.

  • Applies To:  This setting allows you to choose which paid tickets and paid registration forms that the Promo Code can be applied to. This is useful if you only want to offer promotional pricing on a subset of tickets or registration forms. Choose the All Items (the default) option to allow the Promo Code to be applied to all published and paid tickets or registrations.

    NOTE: You cannot apply a Promo Code to free tickets or free registrations, so they will not listed on the Tickets / Registration Forms tab.

    Choose the Specific Items option when you need to be able to pick which specific tickets or registration forms the Promo Code can be redeemed for. 

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