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Transferring Organization/Event Ownership
Transferring Organization/Event Ownership

Learn how to transfer event ownership to another person when you no longer will be involved in an event.

Updated over a year ago

There are many reasons why you may need to hand over the ownership of your event to some other person or team of event organizers. As an Event Organizer, you may wish to retire from organizing the event and want to "pass the torch", or maybe you're moving on to another job or role that prevents you from being involved in the event you are running with ClearEvent. 

Whatever the reason, you'll need to transfer the event to someone you designate and give them access to ClearEvent.

What does it mean to Transfer Ownership of an event or Organization?

In ClearEvent, when you first create a new event, a new Organization is automatically created in the background. The new Organization acts as a container and allows you to create and group related events together for management and security purposes. Subsequent events you create will by default be created under your new Organization. Most of the time only a single event will be created under a single Organization. In cases where an organizing team runs multiple events, there will be multiple events created under a single Organization.

When you transfer ownership, you can choose if you would like to transfer ownership of your entire Organization (and all events within it), or just a single event.  

Transfer Organization Ownership

If you were the person who initially created your event on the ClearEvent platform, a new Organization is created by default and you will be made the Organization Admin. An Organization allows you to group many events under a single administrative umbrella. 

When handing over your event, you'll likely want to assign a new person to be the Organization Admin and then have them remove you as an Organization Admin.

Before You Start

You'll need to ensure each of the events in your organization has a license plan that allows you to add the new Organization Admin to each of your organization's events. For example, each plan has a limit to the number of Event Admins, so if you already have maximum Event Admins assigned to the event, you'll need to temporarily remove one to make room to add the new Organization Admin as an Event Admin while you complete the transfer of ownership. See here for more about our plans.

How to transfer event ownership to a new Organization Admin:

  1. Go to and sign in using your ClearEvent Account to open the My Events list. 

  2. From the drop-down menu (top right) select Manage Organizations.

  3. From the Manage Organizations screen, the desired organization from the list and click the Edit (pencil) button to edit the organization.

  4. From the Organization details screen > Org Admins section, click the Add button to invite another Organization Admin to the event. Fill out the Email field and click Send to send the invite. 

  5. For each event in the organization, go to the Event Setup section > Admin tab and click the Invite button to invite the new Organization Admin to manage the event. Assign the Event Owner role. NOTE: If you forget to do this, the new Organization Admin will not be able to access the events after the transfer is complete.

  6. When the new Organization Admin accepts the invite, have them repeat Steps 1 - 3 above and then select your name from the Org Admins section and click the Delete button. This will remove you from the Organization as an administrator and will transfer ownership of your event to the newly invited Organization Admin.

    NOTE: If the Organization Admin you wish to transfer ownership to is already listed in the Org Admins section, you can simply ask that person to remove you from the list of Org Admins. In this case, you won't need to invite a new Organization Admin. It's also good practice at this time to review the list of Organization Admins and remove any people that no longer require administrator rights to the events contained under your Organization.

Transfer Event Ownership

If you were invited to be an Event Owner by someone else (like an Organization Admin, or another Event Owner), you can assign a new person to the Event Owner role to transfer event ownership and then the new Event Owner can remove you from the list of Event Administrators for the desired event.

How To Transfer Event Ownership To A New Event Owner:

  1. Go to to open the My Events list. 

  2. Click the Manage button to edit the event you want to transfer ownership for.

  3. Open the Event Setup section > Admin tab

  4. In the Manage Event Administrators section, click the Invite button to invite the new Event Owner. 

  5. In the Invite an Event Administrator dialog window, fill in the Email field and select the "Event Owner" role, and click OK.

  6. When the Event Owner accepts the invite, ask them to repeat steps 1 - 3, and then select your name from the list and click the Delete button. This will remove your ClearEvent Account from the Event Owner role and complete the transfer of your event to the new owner.

NOTE: If you want to remove the Event Creator user, please contact for help.

Event Admins

If you were invited into an administrative role for the event (e.g. Budget Manager, Event Admin, Registration Manager, Jobs Manager, etc...) by someone else (either an Organization Admin, or an Event Owner), you'll need to ask either an existing Organization Admin or Event Owner to remove you from the list of Event Administrators and then to add the new person. This will transfer your role to the new person. 

Updating Payment & Billing Details

If you are on a paid subscription plan with ClearEvent you should review your billing details to ensure they are being charged to the correct credit card. Many Event Admins may use a personal or corporate credit card to pay for ClearEvent and may wish to change this billing information when they transfer event ownership.  

Updating Your Stripe Account

If you collect payments through the ClearEvent platform, you'll want to review your Payment settings in ClearEvent before you transfer ownership to ensure that the correct Stripe Account is configured. Most events will have set up an event-specific Stripe account so in most cases, there shouldn't be any changes required. However, if you have setup your event to use a personal Stripe account, you should consider removing this Stripe Account before transferring ownership. 

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