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Tickets: Edit Ticket Holder details
Tickets: Edit Ticket Holder details

Learn how to edit the ticket holder details for a received ticket order.

Updated over a week ago

Ticket Holder details contained in a Ticket Order can only be updated by an Event Manager using the Event Manager App. Updating ticket holder information can be helpful when:

  1. there are errors in the ticket holder's details, such as a typo in their name, incorrect contact information, or missing custom field answers.

  2. the ticket holder's name changes, for example, due to marriage or divorce, the event organizer may need to update the ticket holder's name to match the name on their ID.

Collecting Ticket Holder details

By default, when a Ticket is created only the Ticket Buyer details are collected at the time of purchase.

If you wish to collect details from each Ticket Holder, you must explicitly configure your Tickets to enable this ability.

To learn how to enable collecting details from each Ticket Holder click here.

How to update Ticket Holder details

Ticket Holder information stored in the Ticket Order can be updated as follows:

  1. Open the Event Manager App > Tickets section > Ticket Holders tab.

  2. Use the Search field for the Ticket Holder you would like to edit.

  3. Click the Edit (pencil) button beside the Ticket Holder you would like to edit. The Edit ticket holder editor window will be displayed.

    Editing ticket holder details

    NOTE: Ticket Holder data fields that are not enabled for display during checkout will be identified. Ticket Buyers will not be able to fill in these fields for new ticket purchases so they will be empty.

  4. Use the Details tab to edit the general contact details of the Ticket Holder.

  5. Use the Address tab to edit the address details of the Ticket Holder.

  6. Use the Custom Fields tab to edit any custom fields you have enabled for the Ticket Holder.

  7. Click OK to save your changes to the Ticket Holder.

Alternately, Ticket Holder details can also be edited from within the Ticket Order as follows:

  1. Open the Event Manager App > Tickets section > Ticket Orders tab.

  2. Edit the Ticket Order that contains the Ticket Holder information you wish to edit.

  3. In the Ticket Order editor > Order Details section, select the desired Ticket Holder and click the Edit (pencil) button.

  4. Make any changes in the Edit ticket holder editor window and click OK to close the editor window.

  5. Click Save to save your changes to the Ticket Order.

After Ticket Holder details are updated

Once you have updated ticket holder details, please note the following:

  1. Exported Ticket Holder details will include the most recent ticket holder details available.

  2. When checking in an exiting Ticket Holder using the Mobile Ticket Check-in App, the Check-In app will display the most recent ticket holder details available.

  3. Tickets that are downloaded using the Ticket Order editor > Download link will still display the original Ticket Order details emailed to the Ticket Buyer at the time of purchase. These tickets will NOT reflect the most recent changes you have made to the Ticket Holder details.

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