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Schedules: Import

Learn how to import schedule data into ClearEvent.

Updated over a week ago

Importing existing Schedules into your event that you already have is super simple with ClearEvent.

Note: Not all subscription plans support this feature. Click here for details.

Why import Schedules?

Here are a few key reasons why it can be helpful to import schedules:

  • perform bulk updates of schedule items and then re-import your changes.

  • copy complex schedules between existing events.

Import a Schedule

To import an existing Schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Event Manager App > Schedules section > Schedules tab.

  2. To import schedule details, you first must either add a new empty schedule or edit an existing schedule.

  3. If re-importing schedule items from a file into an existing schedule, you may want to delete any existing schedule items first. If so, you can click the Delete All button in the Schedule Editor to remove all existing schedule line items.

  4. In the Schedule Editor, click the Import button.

  5. Click the Get the Template button to download a .CSV (Comma Separated Values) template file that is the exact format for importing schedules into ClearEvent.

  6. Edit the .CSV Template file using Excel (or some other spreadsheet editor). Do not change any of the headings as these are used by ClearEvent in the import process.

  7. Add your new schedule line items to be imported to the .CSV file, one row per Schedule Line (click here for import file format details). It's okay if you don't have all the information for every schedule line. The only required fields are as follows:

    1. SectionName - The name of the section the schedule line will be added to. All schedule lines must be added to a section. Use the same SectionName to group schedule lines together.

    2. Title - The title to display in the schedule for the schedule line.

    3. StartDateTime - The start date and time of the schedule line.

  8. IMPORTANT: When working with spreadsheet editors like Microsoft Excel, before you save your changes you must format all date columns to use the date format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss AM/PM". To learn more about formatting date columns, click here.

  9. Save your changes as a .CSV file.

  10. Now your file is ready for import. Click Select .CSV file, and pick your .CSV file that contains your list of schedule lines to be imported. Click OK.

  11. New Schedule Sections and Schedule Line Items will be imported into the Schedule.

Note: Importing a schedule file multiple times will always append the contents of the file to your schedule. You may wish to consider deleting all existing Schedule Sections and Schedule Line Items before re-importing data to avoid duplicate schedule records being imported.

Handling Import Errors

If there are any problems with the data being imported, the details will be shown in the import dialog and the import will be canceled. Use the details to correct invalid data in the import file and try again.

The most common data import error will be related to the date format in the import file. This is caused because spreadsheet editors, like Microsoft Excel, will change the date format to a format that is based on your computer's regional date & time preferences. If the date format is not correct, you must correct it and try again. Please click here to learn more about formatting dates in your import file.

Import File Format

For details regarding the import file format, please click here.

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