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Registration Overview

Learn how to set up event registration, create custom registration forms, view & manage registrant approvals, issue refunds, and much more.

Updated today

The Registration section is the place where you manage all things related to event registration. 

Common activities that you can complete in the Registration section include:

  1. Monitoring registration progress.

  2. Creating and publishing custom registration forms to accept event registrations & gather registrant details. 

  3. Reviewing/approving received registrations.

  4. Editing registrant details.

  5. Issuing registration refunds.

There are five main tabs in the Registrants section:

Get Started tab

If you're new to registration, the Get Started tab offers useful articles to help you to get your event registration up and running in no time!

Overview tab

Event Registration Overview Dashboard

The Overview tab provides a summary of registration data and registration trends. Visit this page regularly to keep up to date with registrant activity for your event.

Registrant Status

Registration Status Dashboard Widget

Displays a summary of the registration progress for each registrant type tracked against registrant target and capacity goals. The progress bar represents the total count of all Pending and Approved registrants for each registrant type.

For each registrant type, the following progress bar details are displayed:

  • The total count of registrants (approved and pending)

  • The total count of all checked in registrants

  • If available, the Target registrant count for the registrant type

  • If available, the Capacity set for the registrant type

The progress bar will change colors to indicate registration progress towards defined goals:

  • 🟩 Green: When the total registrant count (approved + pending) exceeds the target set for the registrant type, or no target is set.

  • 🟥 Red: When the total registrant count (approved + pending) is less than 50% of the target set for the registrant type.

  • 🟨 Yellow: When the total registrant count (approved + pending) exceeds 50% of the target set for the registrant type.

Filtering the list of registrant types

Filter Name



(Default) Shows metrics for all registration forms.

Pinned Forms

Shows the top 25 "pinned" registration forms. Use this filter to create a focused view of metrics for specific registration forms.

💡To pin a registration form, go to the Event Manager App > Registration section > Forms tab and click on the 📌Push Pin button for the desired registration form.

Published Forms

Shows only forms that are currently published.

Unpublished Forms

Shows only forms that are not currently published.

Published Forms (Open only)

Shows only forms that are currently published and open to accepting registrations.

Published Forms (Closed only)

Shows only forms that are currently published but are closed and not accepting registrations.

Private Forms

Shows only private registration forms.

Public Forms

Shows only public registration forms.

Recently Active Forms (Past X days)

Shows only registration forms associated with registrants that have recently been received or have had their registration

NOTE: Only data for a maximum of 25 registration forms will be displayed in the Registrant Status widget. Should you need to display specific registrant type metrics, consider changing the filter to display only pinned forms.

Approved Registrants widget

Displays status details over the selected Date Range of Approved registrations for each registrant type. Easily spot trends over time by seeing when registrations are received and approved. Only approved registrations are displayed in this chart.

Filtering the list of registrant types

Filter Name



(Default) Shows metrics for all registration forms.

Pinned Forms

Shows the top 25 "pinned" registration forms. Use this filter to create a focused view of metrics for specific registration forms.

💡To pin a registration form, go to the Event Manager App > Registration section > Forms tab and click on the 📌Push Pin button for the desired registration form.

Published Forms

Shows only forms that are currently published.

Unpublished Forms

Shows only forms that are not currently published.

Published Forms (Open only)

Shows only forms that are currently published and open to accepting registrations.

Published Forms (Closed only)

Shows only forms that are currently published but are closed and not accepting registrations.

Private Forms

Shows only private registration forms.

Public Forms

Shows only public registration forms.

Recently Active Forms (Past X days)

Shows only registration forms associated with registrants that have recently been received or have had their registration

💡When filtering the Approved Registrants widget, you may choose a different filter criteria than the Registrant Status widget. If you do, please be aware that data contained in each widget may not align if different filters are selected.

Selecting a Date Range

Use the Date Range filter to change the lookback period for the chart timeline. For example, you can choose "Last 60 days" to see registrations trends over the past 60 days.

Metric Summary widgets

These widgets display a quick summary of the following key registration metrics:

Registrants widget

Shows the total number of registrations for the event. Click this widget to see a filtered list of approved registrants.

Need Approval widget

Shows the current number of registrations requiring manual approval. Click this widget to see a filtered list of pending registrants that require approval.

Cancelations widget

Shows the number of canceled registration. Click this widget to see a filtered list of canceled registrants.

Checked-In widget

Shows the number of registrants that have been checked in to the event. Click this widget to see a filtered list of checked-in registrants.

Forms tab

Forms tab: Manage registration forms to accept attendee registrations

The Forms tab is where you create and manage the registration forms that are used to register event attendees for your event. You can create registration forms to register individual participants like delegates, speakers, volunteers, competitors, VIPs, media, vendors, and even sponsors! 

Common activities:

  1. Create new registration forms to register any type of attendee (e.g. speakers, volunteers/staff, competitors, VIPs, media, vendors, sponsors, and many more). Use separate registration forms for each registrant type to later allow you to send targeted communications.

  2. Pin registration forms to the dashboard widgets.

  3. Add custom fields to your registration forms to collect the registrant information you care about.

  4. Edit or copy existing registration forms.

  5. Adjust the display order of the registration forms shown on your Event Portal.

  6. Quickly view the status of your registration forms to see which forms are published and open to accept registrations.

  7. Charge a registration fee to attend for your event.

  8. Add products to your registration forms to sell registration add-ons like event swag, parking passes, and much more.

  9. Set up automatic or manual approval rules for your registrations.

  10. Configure your registration forms to collect availability information from registrants to make job assignments easier.

  11. Set notification preferences when registrants sign up for your event.

Registrants tab

Registrant tab: Manage your event registrations received.

The Registrants tab displays a list of all registrations received by your event. Whenever a a registration form is filled-in and submitted by a registrant, a new registration will appear in this list. 

Common activities:

  1. Browse the list of event registrations to see who is registered to attend your event.

  2. Approve or Decline event registrations to change the status of the selected registration.

  3. Check-In registrants to track attendance.

  4. Sort and filter to see only the types of registrants you care about:

    1. Show - determines which registrations are included in the list.

    2. Sort by - choose how the registrations are sorted.

    3. Search - find registrations that match the search criteria.

  5. View payment and refund summary info for a registration. 

  6. Edit a registration. 

  7. Export registration data.

Worksheet tab

Worksheet tab: Easily view and filter details registrant types registration details

The Worksheet tab provides a spreadsheet-like read-only grid that displays all registrant data (including registration answers) for a selected registrant type. Advanced sorting, filtering and column re-ordering allows you to build optimized views of your registration data. 

Common activities:

  1. Build customized views (by registrant type) to filter or sort registration data using answers provided by the registrant.

Click here to learn more about the Worksheets tab.

Settings Tab

This is where the settings are found to enable and configure Mobile Registration Check-in.

Common activities:

  1. Enable/Disable the mobile check-in app feature.

  2. Set your early check-in window for your event.

  3. Test your mobile check-in devices ahead of your event.

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