For events not using ClearEvent, managing the event budget is often the responsibility (and some say burden!) for one member of the event team.
While not the only reason, this is often because the financial tools used by the event don't support more than one person "doing the books". ClearEvent provides great flexibility to allow multiple members of the event team to access the budget. ClearEvent security controls extend to the event Dashboard. Only members with access to the Budget will see Budget status on their event Dashboard.
Allowing more than one person on your team to access the Budget has big advantages to your event, including:
Spread the load across multiple people.
Lower risk by having more than one person able to answer financial questions and perform tasks on the Budget.
Support succession planning by making it easy to train people to take over temporarily or permanently, as needed.
Team members with access to the Budget can contribute to the event budget, make updates to actuals as they occur and analyse the data to make important decisions for current and future events.