To add a new item to your todo list:
Go to the Event Manager App > Todos section > Todos tab.
Click on the +Add button.
In the Details pane, fill out as much detail as you need to track this item. You can enter any of the following optional details:
Due date - a best practice to enable tracking and measuring of your progress.
Assigned To - Select from a list of event admins.
Category - A category used to group similar todo items together.
Effort (Est.) - Estimated effort. Indicate how long you expect the task to take to complete.
Effort (Actual) - Actual amount of time the task took to complete.
Comments - a good place for notes and additional details.
Area - used to group todo items together for a particular part of the event.
When Event Rolls Over - Determine how this item will be treated when the event is rolled over. More details how TODOs are handled found here.
TIP: Remember, it may not be you that takes care of this todo item next time the event is run so make sure to provide enough detail for next time round.