In certain cases, such as large transactions or corporate policies requiring invoices, you might need to invoice your event registrants instead of processing payments online via credit cards directly. Follow these steps to use your Stripe account to handle these situations.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Step 1: Create an Offline fee on your Registration form
To allow your registrants to pay offline, such as with an invoice, you will need to setup an Offline Fee on your Registration form. This will allow registrants to complete and submit their registration without a credit card.
Ensure that the form is set to "Manual Approval". This will show the Registrant Status as "Pending Approval" and will allow you to manually track payment. Once payment is received, you can approve this registrant.
You can learn more here
Step 2: Access Your Stripe Dashboard
Navigate to your Stripe Dashboard.
Select the "Billing" page from the Menu.
Step 3: Create an Invoice
Click on "Quick Actions" on the top right of the screen and select "Create Invoice" from the drop-down menu list.
Step 4: Add Registration Details
In the "Customer" section, click on "Add a new customer". Fill in the details like First Name, Last Name, Email, Billing Address, and currency. Click "Add Customer".
Go to the "Items" section and click "+Add one-time item".
Enter the item description (e.g. event registration fee name), quantity, and total amount. Click "Save". If you need to add additional Products, select "Save and add another".
Step 5: Set Up Payment Collection
In the "Payment Collection" section:
Select "Request Payment". This action will trigger an email with the invoice to your customer, allowing them to pay through the methods you have selected.
Select a "Due date" for payment.
Click on "Manage payment methods" to select the payment methods you want to offer to pay this invoice.
In the "Additional Options" section:
Select any box to add information you would like to display on the invoice such as a Memo, Tax ID or invoice footer to share "remit payment to" information.
Step 6: Email the Invoice
Under "Deliver", ensure "Email invoice to customer" is selected.
Ensure there is a checkbox besides "Include link to online payment page".
When done, review the invoice details by clicking "Show Preview".
Once you are satisfied with the invoice details, click "Review Invoice", then send it to the customer.
Step 7: Record Payment in ClearEvent
After receiving payment, log in to the ClearEvent app.
Select your event and click on "Manage" to open the Event Manager app.
Navigate to the Registration section, then click on the Registrants tab.
Select the registrant to update from the list, click on Edit on the options on the right.
Navigate to the Payment tab, click the "Payment Received" checkbox.
Click "Approve" on the top right to confirm their registration.
You can learn more here.
Step 8: Testing the Process
For a run-through without actual transactions, switch your Stripe dashboard to "Test Mode".
Follow the above steps using your email. This way, you can familiarize yourself with the process without any real charges. (Don't forget to switch back after you complete testing!!)
If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.