Create a ClearEvent Account

This article will help you understand how to create a personal ClearEvent Account.

Updated over a week ago

You'll need a ClearEvent Account to sign in to the ClearEvent platform and access the events you attend or manage. Your ClearEvent Account is a personal account so you shouldn't share it with anyone else. Click here to learn more.

How to create a ClearEvent Account

If you don't already have an account, don't sweat! A ClearEvent Account will be automatically created for you when:

  1. You register or buy tickets to attend your first event hosted on the ClearEvent platform. In this case, a ClearEvent account is automatically created and an email containing the new account details will be sent to the attendee. NOTE: We recommend changing your auto-assigned password.

  2. You accept an invite to help manage an event using the ClearEvent platform. In this case, you will be prompted to create a new ClearEvent account by providing your email and a password.

  3. You create a new event to manage with ClearEvent. In this case, you will be prompted to create a new ClearEvent account as part of creating your new event and will be asked to provide an email and password.

Manually creating a ClearEvent Account

It is not necessary to create a ClearEvent account before registering or buying tickets for an event. However, if you wish to create a separate ClearEvent account, you may do so without having to register, buy tickets, or wait for an event manager invite.

You can create a new ClearEvent Account manually by following these steps:

  1. Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Email. Use any email address that you own as your username. You can always change this information later.

  2. Choose a New Password. At a minimum, your password must be at least 6 characters and no more than 30 characters. You can read our guidelines for creating strong passwords here.

  3. Click Register

  4. Once you’ve registered with ClearEvent, the My Events page will load. The events list will be empty as your new account is not attending or managing any events yet. 

  5. To create a new event, click the +Create an Event button.

Happy Planning!

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