Tickets: Overview

Learn how to use tickets for your event.

Updated over a week ago

Tickets act as an admission token for your event attendees. When you need to control admission to your event, create tickets for the various attendee types you expect at your event.

You can offer both free and paid tickets to your event.

When should you use Tickets?

Tickets are often best used when you need to control access to your event but don't necessarily need to collect a lot of personal details from each attendee. For example, you would like a single buyer to be able to purchase multiple "General Admission" tickets at checkout.

Many events choose to sell both tickets AND accept registrations, depending on the type of attendee. For example, a conference-style event may wish to sell "General Admission" tickets to conference attendees, but use ClearEvent's registration features to track Exhibitor, Media, or Volunteer attendee types.

Selling tickets to your event is a great way to manage event admission for a variety of scenarios like:

  • General Admission scenarios

  • Add-on Workshops

  • Excursions

  • Gala Dinners

  • Afterparties

Life Cycle of a Ticket

  • Event organizer(s) create and publish ticket(s) for purchase. See here for more details.

  • A buyer purchases one or more tickets for your event.

  • Tickets are emailed to the buyer. See what a ticket looks like here.

  • The buyer would print out the tickets they receive and distribute to their group, or show the ticket on their phone at the door. 

  • The event organizer can optionally use ClearEvent's mobile check-in app to scan tickets at the door to validate attendee admission.

For more information about the differences between tickets and registration, please see our blog post on the subject.

Heed help setting up your tickets? Chat with us!

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