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Tickets: Promoting Your Tickets
Tickets: Promoting Your Tickets

Learn how to promote your tickets to increase sales.

Updated over a week ago

Once you have setup and tested your tickets, it's important to promote them. Sharing your tickets helps encourage participants to attend your event. After all, how will they attend if they can't find your tickets!?

This article will discuss the various approaches you can take to share & promote your tickets and ensure your audience can find your tickets.

All of the suggestions in this article assume you need to either share a direct link to a ticket (using the ticket's Share Link), or that you need to share a link to a list of all tickets (on the Ticket page of your Event Portal). 

Either way, you'll need to find and copy a link to your registration ticket(s) that you can then share.

Here's how to get a link that will take a potential participant directly to a single ticket.

Open the Event Manager App:

  1. Go to the Tickets section.

  2. Select a ticket from the list and click the Edit (pencil) button from the inline menu.

  3. From the Edit Ticket screen, click the Publish tab.

  4. Copy the link from the Share Link - Only this ticket or All tickets in the same Ticket Group field.

Here's how to get a link to the list of currently published registration forms.

  1. Go to the Tickets section.

  2. Select a ticket from the list and click the Edit (pencil) button from the inline menu.

  3. From the Edit Ticket screen, click the Publish tab.

  4. Copy the link from the Share Link - All tickets

Clicking the link above will take the registrant to a list of currently published tickets for your event. Here's an example for our Avocado festival sample event: 

Approaches to sharing your tickets


If you already have a mailing list, email newsletter or have other ways of reaching your participants through direct email outreach, this is an effective way to communicate the Share Link you copied above.

See the "Sample Invite" section below for an example email invite template you can use as a starting point.

Simply paste the desired Share Link into an email and send it to those potential attendees.

Event Website:

Many events already have an event website. If so, you can include the Share Link into an existing website. This will direct website visitors to ClearEvent to complete a sale. You may need to work with your website administrator to make these changes.

For example, let's say your current event website has a upcoming page that describes and promotes your event. From this page, it's a good idea to include a link to your Tickets for sale.

Be sure to use clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs). Ideally, you only want one CTA per page.

Social Media:

Social media is another great way to communicate the Share Link to your event attendees and followers. You can paste the Share Link into a post or message on most popular social network platforms you may already be using (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Linked In). 

You'll want to frequently post messages to these social media channels to give your message the best chance of being seen by your followers. You should use a consistent hashtag across as many social networks as possible. 

TIP: Be sure to communicate your official event hashtag to your participants by setting the Hashtag setting in the Event Manager App > Event Setup section > Twitter Hashtag field.

  • Facebook Call-to-Action Button: If you have a Facebook page for your event, you can set the Call-to-Action button (e.g. a "Sign Up" button) for pages to drive visitors to your tickets landing page. Learn how to add a call-to-action button here.

    Simply paste a the Share Link to your ticket (shown above) as the link for the Facebook Call-to-Action button. 

Social Media Ad Campaigns

If you're already running ad campaigns on these platforms, a great way to extend your reach is to target the audiences your ads are reaching to encourage registrations. For example, you could use Facebook Custom Audiences to find an audience that contains people similar to the ones that have visited your website. You can then create an ad to encourage audience members to attend your event.

Participant Referrals:

If your event already has a pool of past or current attendees, they can be a great way to grow your event. Be sure to reach out to them and encourage them to refer someone else to your event. You can further incent current participants to generate referrals by offering them something in return for a successful referral, like a prize, referral fee or maybe just a big high-five!


A great way to encourage participation in your event is through an engaging video. Get your competitors, volunteers, and vendors excited about participating in your event by making it easy to imagine themselves at your event. 

A simple highlight reel that's focused on a specific participants experience is a great way to show potential registrants what it's like to be a part of your amazing event. This may be as simple as a slideshow of pictures, or a highly produced video segment. Either way, keep it short and sweet!

Another option is to use testimonial video from past participants that show how much fun it can be to participate in your event.

Be sure to link the video directly to your tickets landing page. Many video hosting sites allow linking. YouTube, for example, uses Cards. Click here to see how.

Post this video to as many places as you can (YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter, etc...).


Your event is likely affiliated with other organizations, sanctioning bodies, industry partners, and even sponsors. Reach out to them as ask for them to promote and link to your tickets landing page to encourage sign ups.

Example Invite Template & Instructions 

Here's a sample template for Acme Festival you can use as a starting point:

Sample Message:

-----------------------------------Subject: "Acme Festival tickets are now for sale! 

Message Body: Hey there, the Acme Festival is using ClearEvent's event management system to sale tickets and manage our event. 

As part of the ticket process, you'll have a ClearEvent account created automatically when you complete your event registration. If you have event related questions, please contact us directly at"

Your ClearEvent account gives you access to our mobile-friendly Event Portal web app from any device so be sure to keep your password handy. When you sign in, you'll find the latest personalized event details, event schedules, jobs assignments, and important messages from the organizing team. Be sure to check the Event Portal regularly for updates.Click here to register now: {Insert Share Link or Register page link}


If registration is open to the public, it's also good to ask your attendees in your message to invite a friend or share the opportunity on Social Media.

Other Tips:

  • If your event is run by an organization with a separate communications department, be sure to pass along the Share Link and message that you'd like them to communicate to your audience. 

  • Create a custom email signature for your event team members and use it when sending emails. The custom email signature can contain a simple message and a link similar to "Event ticket sales now open. Get it now!".

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